Television, Film Jessica Johnson Television, Film Jessica Johnson

While away, I chatted with some celebrity types and reviewed some things

I've been doing a bit more writing over at Time Out Chicago (as well as putting some work in on the magazine's recent website upgrade). Here's a list of what I've been up to:

Fun stuff! I'll try to be better about posting this stuff a little closer to when it's actually published online.

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Television, Screenwriting, Film Jessica Johnson Television, Screenwriting, Film Jessica Johnson

Catch-Up Time

I'm not going to waste your time making up explanations for why it's been a ridiculous amount of months since I've blogged here. For now, I will just provide you some links to what I've been doing lately and promise to try to return on a more regular basis:

So yeah, that's what's been up lately. Plus, I'm currently toying with the idea of transferring one of the projects I finished up during ScriptFrenzy into a web series. If that ends up happening, I can pretty much guarantee I'll be here non-stop boring you to tears about it. In order to get to that point, though, I have to finish tweaking the script: baby steps.

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Film Jessica Johnson Film Jessica Johnson

Watch me on The Rotten Tomatoes Show tonight

The show airs at 9:30pm/Central tonight on Current. It will also be up on tonight and should be up on iTunes and Hulu some time this weekend. I'll be appearing in the review segment on A Christmas Carol, which I liked but had some problems with. 

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